Astro Sarasvat
by Chandramukhi
Astrology is not merely a tool to predict the future but a Vedic science to understand the myriad dimensions of one’s personality, life, and destiny. At Astro Saraswat, you will experience astrology as a holistic approach towards discovering your life and its intricacies.

What is Astro Sarasvat
Astro Sarasvat is named after the two concepts that are integral to my practice and intention. First is ‘astrology’. While this term has its roots in ancient Greek and Latin, I use it as a familiar translation of the ancient Sanskrit term, ‘jyotisha.’ This is a precise yet deeply subtle and intuitive science delineated in one of the branches of the vast Indian scripture – the Veda. Astrology, or jyotisha, involves:
- Studying the relationship between each individual’s varying levels of karma through the planetary influences as read from their birth chart
- Using these readings to clearly see and thus navigate this journey of life.
The very same Veda describes that learning, knowledge and speech – all integral to this art, are embodied in the goddess Sarasvati. Thus, her name illuminates this website and practice, so that she might lend us her wisdom as we together navigate the currents of life with precision and purpose.
It seems to be no coincidence that her name appears in that of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Prabhupada. He was a pioneering astrologer of his time, and a renowned acarya in the development and history of the Gaudiya school of Vaishnavism. His teachings and discourses have shaped and continue to shelter my spiritual and astrological development. May his name and blessings therefore guide this endeavour to follow in his footsteps, both in astrology and towards bhakti, the ultimate destination to be achieved.
Year Experience
vedān uddharate jaganti vahate bhū-golam udbibhrate daityaḿ dārayate baliḿ chalayate kṣatra-kṣayaḿ kurvate
paulastyaḿ jayate halaḿ kalayate kāruṇyam ātanvate mlecchān mūrchayate daśakṛti-kṛte kṛṣṇāya tubhyaḿ namaḥ
O Lord Krsna, I offer my obeisances unto You, who appear in the forms of these ten incarnations. In the form of Matsya You rescue the Vedas, and as Karma You bear the Mandara Mountain on Your back. As Varaha You lift the earth with Your tusk, and in the form of Narasimha You tear open the chest of the daitya Hiranyakasipu. In the form of Vamana You trick the daitya king Bali by asking him for only three steps of land, and then You take away the whole universe from him by expanding Your steps. As Parasurama You slay all of the wicked ksatriyas, and as Ramacandra You conquer the raksasa king Ravana. In the form of Balarama You carry a plow with which You subdue the wicked and draw toward You the River Yamuna. As Lord Buddha You show compassion toward all the living beings suffering in this world and at the end of the Kali-yuga You appear as Kalki to bewilder the mlecchas [degraded low-class men].
gurave gauracandraya radhikayai tadalaye
krsnaya krsna-bhaktaya tad-bhaktaya namo namah
What we offer
Astrology has answers to all kinds of different questions and addresses all the various aspects of life. Choose from one of the following services which best describes the guidance you currently need from the planets and stars.
Basic Full Chart Reading
- Reviewing the entire birth chart along with the different planetary placements
- Analyzing the Current Time period
- Suggestions on how to improve one’s life
- Concise answers to a few basic questions
- Matching two kundalis on basis of Guna milan, Lagna and navamsha kundali, mangal dosha and overall compatibility
- Analyzing the result to see the strengths of a relationship and potential difficulties that could surface
- Analyzing the yearly chart from the persons birth date to the next birth date
- What to expect in the coming year
- Time periods in the next year based on both the birth chart and the yearly chart
ādityāya cha somāya maṅgalāya budhāya cha |
guru śukra śanibhyaścha rāhave ketave namaḥ ‖
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